Here's some tips on quitting smoking
How to dampen that urge
There are seven major coping skills to help you fight the urge to smoke. These tips are designed for you, the new nonsmoker, to help you nurture the nonsmoking habit.
1. Think about why you quit - Go back to your list of reasons for quitting. Look at this list several times a day - especially when you're hit with an urge to smoke. The best reasons you could have for quitting are very personally yours, and these are also your best reasons for staying a nonsmoker.
2. Know when you're rationalizing - It's easy to rationalize yourself back into smoking (see "Common Rationalizations"). Don't talk yourself into smoking again. A new nonsmoker in a tense situation may think, "I'll just have one cigarette to calm myself down." If thoughts like this pop into your head, stop and think again! You know better ways to relax - nonsmokers' ways, such as taking a walk or doing breathing exercises.
Concern about gaining weight may also lead to rationalizations. Learn to counter thoughts such as "I'd rather be thin, even if it means smoking." Remember that a slight weight gain is not likely to endanger your health as much as smoking would (cigarette smokers have about a 70-percent higher rate of premature death than nonsmokers). And review the list of healthy, low-calorie snacks that you used when quitting.
3. Anticipate triggers and prepare to avoid them - By now you know which situations, people, and feelings are likely to tempt you to smoke. Be prepared to meet these triggers head on and counteract them. Keep using the skills that helped you cope in cutting down and quitting:
.Keep your hands busy - doodle, knit, type a letter. .Avoid people who smoke; spend more time with nonsmoking friends.
.Find activities that make smoking difficult (gardening, washing the car, taking a shower). Exercise to help knock out that urge; it will help you to feel and look good as well.
.Put something other than a cigarette in your mouth. Chew sugarless gum or nibble on a carrot or celery stick.
.Avoid places where smoking is permitted. Sit in the nonsmoking section in restaurants, trains, and planes.
.Reduce your consumption of alcohol, which often stimulates the desire to smoke. Try to have no more than one or two drinks at a party. Better yet, have a glass of juice, soda, or mineral water with a celery stick to nibble on.
4. Reward yourself for not smoking - Congratulations are in order each time you get through the day without smoking. After a week, give yourself a pat on the back and a reward of some kind. Buy a new record or treat yourself to a movie or concert. No matter how you do it, make sure you reward yourself in some way. It helps to remind yourself that what you're doing is important.
5. Use positive thoughts - If self-defeating thoughts start to creep in, remind yourself again that you're a nonsmoker, that you don't want to smoke, and that you have good reasons for it. Putting yourself down and trying to hold out through willpower alone are not effective coping techniques. Mobilize the power of positive thinking!
6. Use relaxation techniques - Breathing exercises help to reduce tension. Instead of having a cigarette, take a long deep breath, count to 10, and release it. Repeat this five times. See how much more relaxed you feel?
7. Get social support - The commitment to remain a nonsmoker can be made easier by talking about it with friends and relatives. They can congratulate you as you check off another day, week, and month as a nonsmoker. Tell the people close to you that you might be tense for a while, so they know what to expect. They'll be sympathetic when you have an urge to smoke and can be counted on to help you resist it. Remember to call on your friends when you're lonely or you feel an urge to smoke. A buddy system is a great technique.
Not smoking is habit-forming
Good for you! You've made a commitment not to smoke, and by using this booklet, you know what to do if you're tempted to forget that commitment. It's difficult to stay a nonsmoker once you've had a cigarette, so do everything possible to avoid it.
If you follow the advice in this booklet and use at least one coping skill whenever you have an urge to smoke, you will have quit for keeps!
Relapse: If you do smoke again
If you do smoke again - and many successful ex-smokers relapse at least once before they quit for good - here's what to do:
.Recognize that you've had a slip. A slip means you've had a SMALL setback and smoked a cigarette or two. But your first cigarette or two didn't make you a smoker to start with, and a small setback doesn't make you a smoker again.
.Don't be too hard on yourself. One slip doesn't mean you're a failure or that you can't be a nonsmoker, but it's important to get yourself back on the nonsmoking track IMMEDIATELY.
.Identify the trigger: Exactly what was it that prompted you to smoke? Be aware of the trigger and decide NOW about how you'll cope with it when it comes up again.
.Know and use the coping skills described above. People who know at least one coping skill are more likely to remain nonsmokers than those who don't know any.
.Sign a contract with yourself to remain a nonsmoker.
.If you think you need professional help, see your doctor. He or she can provide extra motivation for you to stop smoking. Your doctor also may prescribe nicotine gum as an alternative source of nicotine while you break the habit of smoking.
There are seven major coping skills to help you fight the urge to smoke. These tips are designed for you, the new nonsmoker, to help you nurture the nonsmoking habit.
1. Think about why you quit - Go back to your list of reasons for quitting. Look at this list several times a day - especially when you're hit with an urge to smoke. The best reasons you could have for quitting are very personally yours, and these are also your best reasons for staying a nonsmoker.
2. Know when you're rationalizing - It's easy to rationalize yourself back into smoking (see "Common Rationalizations"). Don't talk yourself into smoking again. A new nonsmoker in a tense situation may think, "I'll just have one cigarette to calm myself down." If thoughts like this pop into your head, stop and think again! You know better ways to relax - nonsmokers' ways, such as taking a walk or doing breathing exercises.
Concern about gaining weight may also lead to rationalizations. Learn to counter thoughts such as "I'd rather be thin, even if it means smoking." Remember that a slight weight gain is not likely to endanger your health as much as smoking would (cigarette smokers have about a 70-percent higher rate of premature death than nonsmokers). And review the list of healthy, low-calorie snacks that you used when quitting.
3. Anticipate triggers and prepare to avoid them - By now you know which situations, people, and feelings are likely to tempt you to smoke. Be prepared to meet these triggers head on and counteract them. Keep using the skills that helped you cope in cutting down and quitting:
.Keep your hands busy - doodle, knit, type a letter. .Avoid people who smoke; spend more time with nonsmoking friends.
.Find activities that make smoking difficult (gardening, washing the car, taking a shower). Exercise to help knock out that urge; it will help you to feel and look good as well.
.Put something other than a cigarette in your mouth. Chew sugarless gum or nibble on a carrot or celery stick.
.Avoid places where smoking is permitted. Sit in the nonsmoking section in restaurants, trains, and planes.
.Reduce your consumption of alcohol, which often stimulates the desire to smoke. Try to have no more than one or two drinks at a party. Better yet, have a glass of juice, soda, or mineral water with a celery stick to nibble on.
4. Reward yourself for not smoking - Congratulations are in order each time you get through the day without smoking. After a week, give yourself a pat on the back and a reward of some kind. Buy a new record or treat yourself to a movie or concert. No matter how you do it, make sure you reward yourself in some way. It helps to remind yourself that what you're doing is important.
5. Use positive thoughts - If self-defeating thoughts start to creep in, remind yourself again that you're a nonsmoker, that you don't want to smoke, and that you have good reasons for it. Putting yourself down and trying to hold out through willpower alone are not effective coping techniques. Mobilize the power of positive thinking!
6. Use relaxation techniques - Breathing exercises help to reduce tension. Instead of having a cigarette, take a long deep breath, count to 10, and release it. Repeat this five times. See how much more relaxed you feel?
7. Get social support - The commitment to remain a nonsmoker can be made easier by talking about it with friends and relatives. They can congratulate you as you check off another day, week, and month as a nonsmoker. Tell the people close to you that you might be tense for a while, so they know what to expect. They'll be sympathetic when you have an urge to smoke and can be counted on to help you resist it. Remember to call on your friends when you're lonely or you feel an urge to smoke. A buddy system is a great technique.
Not smoking is habit-forming
Good for you! You've made a commitment not to smoke, and by using this booklet, you know what to do if you're tempted to forget that commitment. It's difficult to stay a nonsmoker once you've had a cigarette, so do everything possible to avoid it.
If you follow the advice in this booklet and use at least one coping skill whenever you have an urge to smoke, you will have quit for keeps!
Relapse: If you do smoke again
If you do smoke again - and many successful ex-smokers relapse at least once before they quit for good - here's what to do:
.Recognize that you've had a slip. A slip means you've had a SMALL setback and smoked a cigarette or two. But your first cigarette or two didn't make you a smoker to start with, and a small setback doesn't make you a smoker again.
.Don't be too hard on yourself. One slip doesn't mean you're a failure or that you can't be a nonsmoker, but it's important to get yourself back on the nonsmoking track IMMEDIATELY.
.Identify the trigger: Exactly what was it that prompted you to smoke? Be aware of the trigger and decide NOW about how you'll cope with it when it comes up again.
.Know and use the coping skills described above. People who know at least one coping skill are more likely to remain nonsmokers than those who don't know any.
.Sign a contract with yourself to remain a nonsmoker.
.If you think you need professional help, see your doctor. He or she can provide extra motivation for you to stop smoking. Your doctor also may prescribe nicotine gum as an alternative source of nicotine while you break the habit of smoking.
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Culebro, at 7:39 PM
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